How Often Should I Get Ford Service?

Service member shaking hands with client

How Often Should I Get Ford Service?

At Plaza Ford, we recommend you get routine maintenance so our technicians can inspect your vehicle and ensure everything is operating as it should. Routine Ford service like oil changes, tire rotations and other maintenance should be performed regularly, while other check-ups and repairs can take place at longer intervals. Staying ahead of auto maintenance is the easiest way to save yourself time and money down the road, so be sure to reach out to one of the nearby auto mechanics at our Ford service center in Bel Air, MD, if you have any questions.

How Often Should I Get an Oil Change?

Refer to your Ford owner's manual for your factory-recommended Ford oil change intervals, but typically you don't want to go longer than 3,000 miles or six months between oil changes. This can vary based on synthetic vs. conventional oil and the specific year, make and model you drive. Stop through our Ford Quick Lane® center for a fast oil change nearby.

When Should I Get New Tires?

Over time, your Ford tire treads will wear down and your tires will need to be replaced. You can increase the longevity of your tires with maintenance such as regular tire rotations, and when it comes to buying new tires, you can speak with one of our Ford service experts. When you come in for service, we'll inspect the tread to see if it's time for a Ford tire replacement. Your driving habits will determine how long you can drive on a set of tires, but most tires can last between three and five years.

Do I Need New Brakes?

If you hear squealing noises when you apply the brakes or your vehicle is taking longer to stop than normal, it may be time for a Ford brake pad replacement. Come in for Ford brake service and we'll inspect your brake pads, calipers and rotors to see what components need replacing. The way you handle your vehicle will affect how long you can go between brake pad replacements, depending on if you mostly drive on highways or spend a lot of time in city traffic.